Thursday, November 19

Working the metaphor

It's not certain whether this is purely image or whether it is a form of type. I would say it is type as image, it seems to communicate depth, a bit like how 'love' is deep, a feeling that is not necessarily open but quite enclosed and secretive. The way they are clumped together also represents a pile of rose petals? This relates back to love and compliments the image/type helping the audience understand the visual type and the meaning of it. The black and red could be seen as quite sinister but I think the softness of the petal-like font seems to eliminate the dark aspects of it, changing those interpretations to 'deep'.

The layout of the type is constructive as it forms itself with the world map. It's meaning/purpose simple, to express the map of the world but in a creative way including type. Analysing it further the way the type appears too big could help represent the large scale of the world? The busyness is shown through the cramped style of the text and also the type itself, very bold and thick.

This effectively communicates the unexplainable feeling of love. The use of fridge magnets suggests complication, getting random words and trying to piece them together to create a sentence that makes sense. This probably shows how 'loving you' feels like, a mass of words that even when formed as a sentence theoretically, still don't make sense. This is easy to read because of the structured, simple type used, there is no image created or meaning behind the type itself, the complexity of it comes after reading what has been stuck. Communicating something isn't always how you do it, but what you write.

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