Monday, October 31

Book brief - researching chocolate wrappers,

vintage wrappers sourced from 'The Chocolate Wrapper Museum'
I researched into ones that were focused around patterns and simplicity. 

NPG - research to help produce outcomes,

Researching contents of what could be on the ticket

Researching previous exhibition, to see price, considerations, appropriate information. 

Sunday, October 30

Inspiration for...

I like the idea of combining lots of images that have something in common, on one whole print. Lovely idea, each relating to objects/iconic images from specific films. 
b&w still

Ticket inspiration,

I like the idea of having the ticket as a tiny package, I don't want the ticket to be too busy but I want to keep the same idea (blurred photograph) running throughout all of the material. I thought about the casing being the photographic image, and then the main ticket being inside, with the appropriate information.

Saturday, October 29

Inspiration for...

White typeface, clear sticker

Interesting type layout

Like the use of the white box over an image/larger type. I also like the minimalist/small column of text

Nice image, lines and textured 

Lovely bars of chocolate, with a patterned design. I bought a bar of Galaxy chocolate and noticed how it related to reading, I thought I could produce the packaging for a bar of chocolate that could be sold with the books. 

Lovely packaging and branding for a fishmonger. Love the use of tracing paper with an image to wrap the fish. I thought about wrapping each individual book in a patterned tracing paper. 

water colour & ink

Friday, October 28

NPG - Wristband/ticket idea, initial research

I researched creative wristbands, an idea that originated from a thought I had about perhaps having the tickets in wristband form... it's an idea. 

inspiration for...

Like how these work as a set, and how they have been laid out as a grid
use of block colour and lines separating information
I thought this could be useful for my prints that are going to be folded within the book package. I thought about spelling 'Read' using the patterns from the different book covers.
Range research. Like the use of black and white photography
Research into ticket/fold out pieces.
Clever concepts (I want to apply concepts like this to my illustrative magazine covers for 'g2'
Collection of illustrations all relating. I had an idea for one of my magazine covers, being a collection of illustrations to do with either Halloween, or Christmas.

(Image above) More lovely concepts behind a simple drawing/image, much like what I want to achieve with my magazine covers. 

Black and White illustrations

Lovely illustrations, considering layout and use of page space and blank space
Black and White image and type/photograph & type.
Another illustration with a nice idea

Book cover fold out consideration, lovely pattern

Inspiration for something...

Love the use of the white line running through the center, with just simple black type. Lovely illustration behind it as well. I like how the type and image are segregated, but it seems in quite an obvious way, yet it seems to flow.