Friday, October 23

..and more

Pericles by James Carver-Grenside.

James Carver Grenside

Pretty good photographs, dealing a lot with lighting, atmosphere and overall context.

Dsc_0178 by James Carver-Grenside.

DSC_0310 by James Carver-Grenside.

Kasper2 by James Carver-Grenside.

Thursday, October 22

Ben Tour

I looked at the work of Ben Tour when I was experimenting/using watercolours. I really like how the vague/washed out look can still have all the detail of a face, I can still see a strong expression. The hardness of the medium also varies, some of his paint/ink is applied very weakly where as the darker, more precise layers compliment his work. I also really like the little letters he has added and the use of colour.

Craig Ward- typographer

I really like how Craig Ward's work is really clever, it is so cleverly put together and looks creatively sophisticated.

I love art that captures emotion, Craig Ward has done this effectively through the use of letters, using them in a variety of shapes and shades.

Really like the colours and the type he has used, emphasises the city essence.


the message behind this image, communicating the reaction time for someone who has been drinking.

Tuesday, October 20

Monday, October 19

Thomas Addison