Wednesday, September 29

print analysis

Product name - Hugo Boss Orange, perfume box

Process - Lithographic, rotary, mass produced, not a great amount of detail

Colours - There is obvious spot colour where the orange was used for the logo, as a finish there is also UV varnish over that. Along the edges of the box there is gold foil. A total of 3 colours were used, there were all spot colour, black, orange (and half tone) and grey.

Stock - Thick paper/card (white)

Format - Probably printed onto large sheets, or any format of 'A'

Finishing - The card is folded, then tabbed and glued

Specials - There is foil along the edges of the box, and embossing, as well as UV varnish

Target - Teenage girls - women (15-40?)

Cost band - The product is exclusive, use of spot colour/embossing/foil shows it was expensive to print but effective. Limited product.

Quantity - Millions? Sold worldwide, mass produced.. basically a lot.


Monday, September 27



print context

Also packaging - labels, file separaters, plastic drawers.

Printing on to fabric, thick card and small labels, with one colour, simple colours and a variety of colours.

printing onto...

These are examples of printing onto products that isn't as simple as printing onto paper/card.

I especially like the coke bottles and the beer cans. The surface of the print is so crisp and clean, and there isn't any worry that a sticker will peel off or the paper will start to fold up at the edges. I think printing directly onto an object looks pretty good.

No matter how simple the print is, (the wine bottle container), because of the surface texture/pattern, character is already added onto the products design.

print & packaging

Examples of print onto different packaging/ways of distribution. this shows the variety of ways products can be packaged, not everything has to be put in a box or plastic bag. I especially like the brown paper bags with the forrest picture on the side.

Thursday, September 23

Saturday, September 18

channel 4


Remembering how much I like print, off colour, patchy.

Friday, September 17


I want to do such simple stuff, that actually looks good.


I've watched the trailer for this film.. it looks alright. The poster however, pretty simple I guess, large photo with type over the top of it, but the image is cool and the type is kinda rubbed out... it just goes.
