Tuesday, September 29



Although I would consider this cliche, I really like it:

I tend to like random art/typography/photography/film/design, rather than a series of set designers. I don't really follow any in particular. If I like something, I like it.

Has to be mainly black&white photography, including a great deal of portrait. I love how you can capture emotion, expression and time through the good use of lighting.

Harriet Logan

Mary Ellen Mark


I used this piece of work by Sarah King (the pear) as an inspirational piece of work I then developed. The simplicity of writing onto an existing object other than paper, strangely never crossed my mind until now.

Controlled Mess.

Type that is obviously incorporated.

I love film posters. This one is especially interesting, the way the type represents something else!

Simple text layered onto photography.

A very well known Fletcher piece, but I love the layout, the image and the actual type itself.

I feel a classic piece of design, rending an image with a simple collage effect.

Pretty gruesome. An effective photograph with surprisingly legible type scratched onto flesh. Pretty impressive.


robert Rauschenberg

I really like how Rauschenberg collaboratively expresses his work. Although the collages appear very random, they all manage to communicate effectively and look ordered.

Vincent Fantauzzo-an amazing impressionist

I love Heath Ledger

Sara Fanelli