Tuesday, November 17

Working the metaphor

3. Producing images that effectively communicate a message to an audience

This image effectively communicates that this bottle of cider is enriched with a strong, juicy apple taste. It makes the drink look far more appealing, and also gives it an organic/authentic look to it. No type is needed to explain the point of this image, it is positively advertising without having to explain the great taste of the cider. I would say this is a visual metonym, it is a symbolic image that is used to make reference to something with a more literal meaning.

I don't think this is that good, but I like how the dot above the 'i' has dripped through it and is falling down into a pool of liquid. I feel this could be designed in a much better way, but I was drawn to the idea more than the overall design. It is a clear, simple example of using type as an image to help communicate a point. The letterform 'i' slightly represents something wet which relates to the word 'drip', the two work well together.

I really like this, it includes black and white photography, and very little text. The text is also quite poetic which I admire a lot when it comes to design. I feel it is all part of the creativity of a piece of design. The space in which the text has been placed is very effective, its as if it has fallen just where the bubbles start to fall. Your eyes are drawn there.

I love the work that includes photography and type, I just think the type is so simple yet what is being said is so complex. When faced with this image it could seem as such an open thing, with opportunity, however when the text is added "i dont know what to do", it suddenly becomes such a confusing place. Although, somehow the place still seems relaxing.

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