Friday, November 20

working the metaphor

This was one of the opening titles for the FilmFest-Typophile. It seems to be a quick summary of Life,
going through the stages of growing up, moving out,
getting married etc... What makes it so clever is the way in which
such a broad thing as Life has been compressed into a series of moving images and type.

This form of typography by Sarah King is the use of type on image to communicate the type. I like how the form of the pear is demonstrated through the curves and size of the type itself, if the type wasn't there, I think the pear would look a lot more flat. I consider this as a creative way of writing, instead of just on paper, writing about fruit on fruit seems to simple yet it is so effective.

This is also by Sarah King, she seems to use the same effect where the shape and perspective of the type represents things that are going on in her image. The way the words are coming out of the face seem to act as speech, it's as if the words are flowing out. With this poster she is informing about the available courses that will be explore throughout the 'Degree Show'. The font she has used is very suited, it is eye catching and immediately suggests the creativity of the show's contents. The way the type seems to flow together and also compresses each other could be exploring the detail and amount that the 'University of Brighton' has to offer.

What attracted me most to this was the type used, it's style (iranian) almost appears more as image because of it's swirls and the fact, to me, they are just a series of little images because I don't read it as words. The boldness and structure of the image contrasts with the type but in a way that seems to balance out the image as a whole. The design communicates power and control but is also softened with the warm colours that surround the dark figure, and the way they are placed.

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